Orange mood, back to the childhood or orange nylon kids pantyhose with flowers

Orange mini skirt and orange kids pantyhoseHow can you be sad, gloomy or whining if you have such sunny orange pantyhose with flowers and sunny orange mini skirt? Hey, c’mon! Cheer up! Put them on! Stop playing a boring adult!

Probably that’s why children are more cheerful. It’s all in our clothes! Hence, it’s all in our hands πŸ˜‰

What are you wearing today?

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Old yards, session in black and naughty imagination

Old town black pantyhoseWhat can you find in old backyards? Garbage, graffiti, abandoned garages, bars, rusty locks, strange holes, metal constructions resembling St. Andrew’s cross, and…

A red-head girl, dressed in all black: satin skirt, high heeled boots, black pantyhose and a coat. What if she was bound, gagged and locked behind one of these bars? Like the poor girl in the data centre? Will she be discovered and (or?) rescued?
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